Wednesday 14 September 2011

Sabines Gull

Having "dipped out" badly on the Greater Yellowlegs which was "in my backyard", and actually on the site that is visible from my bedroom I was delighted to get so close to the Sabines Gull on the river Camel today just on the edge of town.
Please read on for my photos and then take a look at Wills' video of both the Greater Yellowlegs and the Sabines Gull by clicking on their titles here.

Sabines Gull

Sabines Gull

Sabines Gull

Sabines Gull

Sabines Gull


Sam and Lisa said...

The best images I have seen of the Sab's. I also dipped on the Greater Legs. I went to Wadebride late Wednesday PM and has I stuck the car parking ticket on the windscreen the mobile went and I was told it had flown. I then spent the next couple of hours at Treraven Meadows and had good views of the Sab's but no Greater Legs.

Adrian Langdon said...

thanks Sam. I tried to show all the prominent ID features in the photos. Adrian.