Monday 8 July 2013

Common Dolphins off the North Cornish coast

Common dolphins

What a fantastic evening I've just had watching Common dolphins off the North Cornish coast thanks to my good friend Will Delacour who's boat we were in, as we left home at Wadebridge at 4 pm just as the tide began to run into the Camel estuary.

We came across gannets plunge diving and manx shearwaters on the surface which heralded a great display from the dolphins as they swam along in front of, and alongside, the boat on numerous occasions.

All I needed to do was hold on tight as it was very choppy and try to get some shots sharp from a salt encrusted 18-70 lens!

Here are a few more........

Common dolphins
Common dolphin
Common dolphin

Common dolphin
Common dolphins


Bobbster said...

28-70mm lens you were close then? Super images

Adrian Langdon said...

Sorry Bob it should have said 18-70 mm lens. Yes they were beside the boat on many occasions but I had a lot of spray on the lens and it softened the images a wee bit.

Unknown said...

Stunning images Adrian did you use your Nikon D600 and if you did how do you rate it as I'm looking to upgrade?

JRandSue said...

Amazing action captures.

Sam and Lisa said...

These are superb Adrian,I would think it is very difficult shooting from a boat capturing Dolphins the split second they surface.

Adrian Langdon said...

Thanks for your comments... Tony:- I used my D300 and it got pretty wet. The lens was already suffering after I dunked it in a rock pool last week so pretty pleased that I got anything!

Adrian Davey (Dibs) said...

Wow .Great shots Adrian and must have been fantastic to see at such close range .Dibs.

Our photos said...

Beautiful photos!