Monday 15 July 2019

Barn Owl ringing this evening near Wadebridge. 15th July 2019.

Thinking a female on the left and 2 males.

We revisited the Barn Owl box that we checked exactly a month ago which at the time held 4 very small owlets and 2 unhatched eggs.

Fortunately there were 3 strong, healthy chicks in the box & my friend Pete Roseveare put rings on each of them.

At the last visit there were 16 uneaten voles in the box, now there are none. They are obviously growing fast and eating everything put in front of them!

Always a joy to see and a privilege to get so close to them.

As an aside we both hold Schedule 1 licences for Barn Owls at this site.

A smaller Male

the larger female.


Moorside said...

Fabulous, brilliant news. We often think there is good Barn Owl territory further upstream between Shell Woods and Wenford but sadly no barnies seen. Would boxes next year tempt incoming barnies ?