Thursday 19 May 2022

Looe island monthly seal survey with CSGRT. 18th May 2022.


Herring Gull on its nest

A brisk south easterly greeted us on arrival at Looe harbour for our monthly visit to St.George's island or Looe island as it's more commonly known. That is usually one of the worst wind directions for this trip as it blows directly into the harbour. We'd already had the survey postponed from the previous day due to the weather but fortunately boatman Dave Butters was confident he could get us out there & back safely if a bit damp!

We were met at the jetty by Jon & Claire and their new "summer help" Lucas & Megan so a full welcoming committee!

These surveys don't  merely focus on seals but also birds, insects, flora & human disturbance & interaction so we are always kept busy.

The birds were well into their annual breeding cycle with birds on eggs, feeding young & even some with free flying offspring.

Almost all of my photographs were taken from a distance with a 500mm lens so as not to cause any disturbance.

The seals were photographed from a really long distance and also when they were hauled out at low tide. This way our data processors can compare markings on the individual seals so as to try to get ID's on them.

Unfortunately rain started to come in at mid afternoon and it was quite persistent by the time the boat came to collect us so we ended up a bit damp by the time we made our way back to our cars.

Here are a few of my images from the day.


Herring Gull preening

Cormorant family




Great Black backed Gull

Great Black backed Gull nest with eggs

Herring Gull on nest

The recently renovated cottage

Resident workforce

Tractor shed

Ferns in the old cottage wall

Unfurling fern

Ivy-leaved Toadflax on the walls



Different shades of colour in the thrift flowers

Oystercatcher eggs


Oystercatcher turning its eggs

Oystercatcher incubating its eggs

Hen Pheasant

Rock Pipit




Great Black backed Gull on nest

Great Black backed Gull

Team Seal!

Now for the wet trip back to the mainland!


Waiting for the boat on the island beach




Sarah & Jasmina

Katie & Sarah



Jasmina said...

Great blog of another great day on the island which never fails to deliver - more delightful images as always :)

Looe Island said...

Thanks for sharing these photos - don't birds look great against thrift and lichen covered rocks? : )
And that preening herring gull is a cool photo! But think my fav's are the oystercatcher and that rock pipit - so good to see one clinging to the earth cliff face.
Thanks for making it here for the survey... oh and apologies for the weather!

Derek Spooner said...

Excellent record, and you will not be surprised that my favourite photos are the Oystercatcher!

Suesseals said...

You are awesome :)

Unknown said...

Fab day despite the weather! Lovely images, but I think the turnstones come a close second to the oystercatcher, my longtime fave.!