Tuesday 20 September 2022

Osprey in Cornwall. 20th September 2022.


After making a third early morning visit to this pool on a tributary of the River Fal it was "3rd time lucky" as this juvenile osprey paid a visit and had 3 unsuccessful dives for fish. 

At neap tide I don't think there were many large Grey Mullet available for it to feed on. The sluice lets water in from the river on a good tide but I tend to wonder if the Osprey has eliminated all of the larger fish available.

However it was exciting to watch this iconic bird as it hunted from the high trees on the pool perimeter.

Several friends and indeed new acquaintances waited silently on the footpath with baited breath and fingers poised on camera shutter buttons.

Each time it twitched there was the sound of shutters being fired and I hold my hand up to having one of the loudest! One of the advantages of the move toward mirrorless cameras is the benefit of silent shutters!

Here are a few images from today.... I came away exhilarated to have watched this bird at close quarters but a wee bit despondent that I didn't get the amount of good images that I expected.

Obviously more practice needed!


Jasmina said...

What a stunning bird - your 4th attempts my 2nd but the reward was amazing - brilliant shots ...

Steve Hopper said...

Superb images Adrian and a nice write up

Derek Spooner said...

I don't think you need to be a bit despondent about the quality of these images! They are excellent.