Thursday 27 October 2022

Fungi in the Mid-Cornwall woods 27th October 2022


Fly Agaric

After a morning of thick mist and rain I headed out to my local woods in search of a few fungi to photograph.

It was certainly worth it as there were lots to choose from. Admittedly several specimens had "gone over" or been attacked by slugs but if one took some time to search there were some good ones to be found.

Fly agaric are one of the favourite fungi for photographers and I wasn't disappointed as there were a few crackers hidden in the dark and very damp woods.

Fly Agaric

Fly Agaric

Fly Agaric

Fly Agaric 

There were many others in the couple of hours I spent and I've not been able to identify them all yet so if you want to add any ID's please comment below....... or if I've got any wrong then please add your views.

Birch Polypore

Birch Polypore

Birch Polypore

Boletus spp.

Boletus spp.

Hairy Stereum

Boletus spp?

Honey fungus?

Honey fungus?

Mycena spp.

Honey fungus?


Jasmina said...

Great year for Fungi and some wonderful examples here - images top quality as always...