Sunday 24 July 2011

Barn Owls

I've been photographing at a barn owl site for several weeks now and have not blogged any photos until I knew that the young have succesfully fledged and are now free flying.

They managed to get 4 youngsters away and that must have been due to a plentiful supply of short tailed voles and common shrews which seemed to be the main prey items.

The birds were very late evening feeders which seems to suggest an abundance of prey but did present a few photographic challenges.

Many photos were high ISO or slow shutter speeds and at times I resorted to flash when I'd established the birds lack of concern for it.
In fact when there was no wind and all was quiet the slight noise of the image stabilising locking focus often prompted a stare more than anything else.

Here are a few images, the others can be viewed on my website by clicking here......

Barn Owlets await a feed

Male Barn owl with short tailed vole

Male Barn owl with short tailed vole


Docrichie said...

Phenomenal pictures Adrian. And they show how important it is to have some scruffy dilipidated buildings left for them. Over-tidiness kills!

JRandSue said...

These are stunning shots,love Barn Owls,excellent captures.