Thursday 11 September 2014

Seals, dolphins and sunfish on the Cornish coast.

Grey seal
A great day on the monthly POLPIP seal survey on the North Cornwall coast from Padstow.

We monitored from the Quies up the coast to just above Boscastle.

Today we saw many seals, numerous seabirds including Gannets, Manx Shearwaters and a Sooty shearwater. Also a  few sunfish, Risso's dolphins and a pod of Common dolphins which came to look at us and put on an amazing display.

My personal thanks to Chris and Annabel for their hospitality aboard Atlantic Diver.

Grey seal
Grey seal
Risso's dolphins

Risso's dolphins
Common dolphins

Common dolphins

Common dolphins

Common dolphins

Common dolphins

Common dolphins
Common dolphins very close to the boat
