Thursday 15 October 2015

The North Cornish coast from a boat!

The Rumps and Mouls island

A few images from a boat trip counting seals yesterday out of Padstow to all the off islands and up as far as Boscastle.

Fishing boat returning to Padstow harbour

Stepper Point

Stepper Point

Lifeboat station near Mother Ivey's Bay


Trevose lighthouse

The Quies

The Rumps


Hawkers Cove

Hawkers Cove

Blowhole near Tregudda Gorge

Waves at Butter Hole


Stephen Lobb said...

Superb, Adrian! I walk parts of this stretch of the coast as often as I can, despite living on the wrong side of Liskeard these days.......I had a quick nip from Epphaven to Port Quin as recently as Monday.

cheap dissertations said...

The North Cornish coast is such a beauty! i was awestruck by the pictures don't know what will happen if had the chance to see inperson on a boat!