Mon 5th June
Mountain Bluebird at the campground, along with Yellow Warbler (which seem to
be everywhere) before entering the Grand Teton National Park for the first time
this trip. Bought ourselves an annual pass at 80 dollars which will be good for
any National Park for the rest of our trip and who knows we may get across
again before next June when it expires!
We made our
way out to the Snake River Ox-bow Bend area and then onto a bit of dirt road to
a riverside area where we’ve stopped a few times and previously seen good
This time
part of the parking area was closed off as it was under water and the rivers
keep rising as the very hot days are melting the snow faster than usual.
We got out
the camp chairs and sat and had a picnic lunch and suddenly an immature Bald
Eagle flew in and landed in the tree above us.
I couldn’t
get a good angle on it to get a picture and then a Park Ranger drove in and the
bird quickly left.
There were
at least 2 pairs of Spotted Sandpipers nesting in the vicinity and they were
flying around calling at any avian intruder!
Two Ospreys
were hunting in the river and one flew into a conifer on the other side of the
water and called to its mate incessantly.
At least a
dozen Mergansers (We call them Goosanders in the UK) drifted downstream past
us, one female and the rest all males.
After lunch
we made our way over to the Jackson Lake dam area and saw the distant group of
White Pelicans and the hundreds of Cliff Swallows nesting on the concrete dam
Pronghorn Antelope on the sage flats in several locations and then made our way
back to the campground.
I had a good
campfire going in the evening and some pork steaks and jacket potatoes (done in
the fire in tin foil) followed by a couple of tots of something kept me going
till dark.
Tues 6th June (my
Well, 64
delighted to be out photographing bluebirds and squirrels on a beautiful
Very hot
today and a cloudless sky!
We took a
short ride out to Pacific Creek to have a look round.
Plenty of
Buffalo grazing on the lush spring grass on the way and a cracking Western
Meadowlark singing on the top of a roadside post.
As a special
birthday trip I was treated to a visit to the supermarket!
A huge Albertsons store in Jackson Hole that
we’ve used before to stock up on provisions…..more charcoal for the BBQ, more
steaks, milk etc.
Oh! More
beer but you can’t buy that in the supermarket you have to go to the Liquor
Store next door!
Then out to
lunch as a birthday pressie!
Steak and
eggs at the Bunnery in town was just what I needed.
Watched a
huge Buffalo bull cross the road in front of us near to Mormon Row but couldn’t
find a safe place to stop so left him go in the hope of seeing more when we get
up into Yellowstone.
The weather
has started to get hot and muggy and I feel a mountain thunderstorm is due.
We headed
back to the campground which is still one of my favourite places to see and
photograph wildlife and I checked out a possible old woodpecker hole that I
found earlier to see if the Bluebirds were using it.
Not that
hole but in a tree behind it I saw the female bird peering from a natural hole
in a Cottonwood tree.
I got the
camera set up and managed to rattle off a few shots although the clouds were
gathering and the light was really poor….no pleasing photographers!
However I
got some reasonable shots and am hopeful that tomorrow morning may provide me
with light in a better direction.
6pm. And the
thunder is rolling around with the occasional flash of lightning and an odd
shower. Gives me some time to get this blog written up and we’re hoping it may
well clear in time to get a campfire going later.
The second
time in my life I’ve photographed Bluebirds on my birthday……. Can’t complain at
cleared and fire lit, a few sausages and some bacon over the griddle topped off
with a cold beer!
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Female Mountain Bluebird |
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Male Mountain Bluebird |
Wed 7th June.
I was out
fairly early to suss out the Bluebird nest but the light was a bit dull and
didn’t get to the nesting tree till about 8 am.
I got a few
shots of the male bringing food to the female who I guess is still brooding
eggs as he is passing her the food.
Also noticed
a Tree Swallow nesting in the original old woodpecker hole and a pair of
White-breasted Nuthatch checking out another cottonwood for a potential site.
Just in the
middle of my breakfast when out of the corner of my eye I noticed a Moose
running along the river’s edge of the campsite less than 60 metres away from
I hastily
got the camera onto the tripod (which was already set up outside for such an
Managed to
get a few hasty shots as it skipped and frolicked through the shallows and the
willows of the swollen river.
Both Linda
and I then went out to the river’s edge and watched it disappear from view
Campground staff told me that there had been as many as 13 Moose on the
campground in April.
We have
always been lucky to see Moose at this site and despite not getting the
greatest photos of this one it remains one of the best places to see Moose in the
Yellowstone Ecosystem.
breakfast we drove out of the Gros Ventre valley up to Kelly and across
Antelope Flats where we came across a couple of Mule Deer really close to the
road. I pulled off the road into a layby and they were walking straight towards
us so setup the camera out of the RV window and got some smashing shots in
great early morning light. Both had their antlers in velvet.
A bit
farther on we came across a Pronghorn Antelope crossing in front of us, in fact
I had to stop to let it cross. Managed a few shots of it from the driver’s
We drove up
just past Colter Bay on the road toward Yellowstone but didn’t see much apart
from some more White Pelicans and some Western Grebes in the bay.
Still very
hot and difficult to spend much time out of doors as the heat and high altitude
is tiring us quickly.
Spent a few
hours watching for wildlife from various vantage points and did see a Northern
Harrier hawking the Willow Flats near to Jackson Lodge.
succumbed and headed back to the campground to sit outside the vehicle in the
shade… and type this!
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American Robin |
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Moose |
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Moose |
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