Thursday 9 August 2018

Barn Owlet rescue, Cornwall 7th Aug 2018

I had a call from a farming couple in a rather remote location in East Cornwall via the Barn Owl Trust about a young owlet found sitting on the path in the sunshine and unable to fly.

Following instructions from the Trust I put the young owlet back in the nest box using a long 3 section ladder.

The box was empty of other siblings so I'm not really sure if they'd already fledged or if this was the sole incumbent this year.

I did however grab a few photos before I put him back in the box!


waldlaeufer68 Frank Scholtyssek said...

Hello Adrian,
Well done the same I had once with a Tawny Owl who has probably fallen out of the cave and sat down on a tree trunk right in front of us ...
if you want to have a look at it ...

Greetings Frank

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World of Animals, Inc said...

Amazing that you were able to find this creature. Such a cute owl, I love the puffy feathers. Thanks for the share, hope you had a fantastic weekend. Keep up the posts.

World of Animals