Wednesday 2 June 2021

Wheatears on Bodmin Moor. 2nd June 2021.


Female waits for the male to leave the nest

An early morning trip up onto the high moor to the East of Bodmin moor was fruitful today with 2 pairs of Wheatears nesting in the stone walls and a pair of Redstarts.

Fortunately I had my pop-up hide in the car so set that up at a distance from the wall and started taking pics with the 500mm lens.

The birds accepted the hide straight away and I was able to move a bit closer after an hour. It was only then that I noticed a large Highland cow with massive horns ambling my way! Fears of it having a scratch at my expense on the side of the hide were fortunately unfounded!

A few downpours of rain made me glad I brought the hide as the birds continued to feed all through the rain and I watched from the dry.

Fears of many birds struggling to find insects in the cold weather we'd had were forgotten as they brought back a continuous stream of flies, caterpillars & even a damselfly.

Here are a few images from the morning, I'm hoping to have a go at the Redstarts one evening as they were in full shade in the morning.

Female Wheatear

Male Wheatear

Male Wheatear

Male Wheatear

Male Wheatear

Male Wheatear

Female Wheatear with a damselfy


Jasmina said...

Lovely images and great to see them doing well...😊