Friday 2 June 2023

A week of birds... 26th May - 1st June 2023


Dartford Warbler

What a week it's been with trips to Devon & Somerset mixed in with lots of outings on my local patch.

Most of the birds are well into their breeding time with several already having fledged their young and thinking about starting 2nd broods.

I'm just going to post a lot of photos, all from this week but I won't name any locations as I don't wish to draw attention to those sensitive places. Those of you that are in the loop will already know and hopefully be sensitive to the welfare of these amazing creatures.

Here are a selection of this weeks photos... Enjoy and please comment if you like them!

Great White Egret

Great White Egret




Mute Swan with 6 cygnets 

Male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker

Female Lesser Spotted Woodpecker

Male Pied Flycatcher

Female Pied Flycatcher

Spotted Flycatcher

Male Linnet

Marsh Harrier

Canada Goose pair with goslings

Greylag Goose with gosling, sole suvivor of a clutch of 4.

Barn Owl adult ringed during nestbox survey.  

Barn Owl with young in nest box

Wild White Stork in Somerset

Captive White Stork in Cornwall

Garden Warbler

Mute Swan cygnets

Dartford warbler


Jasmina said...

Wow what a wonderful collection of birds beautifully photographed …😊

Anonymous said...

Absolutely brilliant mate

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures!! Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

All stunning ! Thank you for sharing 😃