Thursday 6 October 2011

Semi-palmated Sandpiper

I was traditionally late on the scene yesterday afternoon for this Davidstow special.
It was however very typical Davidstow weather with strong winds and variable amounts of fog, mist & drizzle.

Fortunately for me there were few waders on the airfield and this semi-p was very active and a bit of a poser for the camera. It even caught an earthworm and washed it in the pool near my car. In fact so close that I could get good views of the webbing between its toes which are a bit of an identification clue to this species.

Semi-palmated Sandpiper

Semi-palmated Sandpiper

Semi-palmated Sandpiper


JRandSue said...

These are fabulous,stunning shots.

Nigel said...

Great shots Adrian, did you know the bird was there before you went to the airfield?

Adrian Langdon said...

Yes, It was common knowledge but its a small bird and a big airfield. Stay tuned for the next vagrant wader.... Adrian