Thursday 31 May 2018

Butterflies in Hungary. Days 7 & 8. May 2018.

Lesser Purple Emperor

The Bukk Hills didn't disappoint as a top European butterfly area.

Medium altitude meadows, oak tree filled valleys and wet pastures all made for an interesting mix of species.

The Lesser Purple Emperor was feeding on salt or mineral licks at the edge of the road in a wet valley, along with Scarce Fritillary.

Adonis Blue, Mazarine Blue & Wood White were in a meadow at the foot of a valley just a few hundred metres from the nesting Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers.

When we went up to the forest edge to look for the Ural Owl we were in wide forest glades which were grazed at specific times to get the sward just right for the butterflies.

Here we found Clouded Apollo, Chestnut Heath and many of the Blues.

Scarce Fritillary

Adonis Blue

Mazarine Blue

Wood White

Grizzled Skipper

Clouded Apollo

Chestnut Heath